How Many Kilograms Are in a Stone: kg to st and st to kg Conversion

Feel free to convert kilograms (kg) to stones (st) and stones (st) to kilograms (kg) using our conversion tables and conversion calculator, and learn the relationship between these two units. Conversion of kilograms (kg) to stones (st) and stones (st) to kilograms (kg) is easy since both units are used for measuring mass.

While the kilogram is a unit of the SI system of units, the stone is not.

Kilograms (kg) to Stone (st) and Stone (st) to Kilograms (kg) Conversion Calculator

In order to convert kilograms (kg) to stone (st) and stone (st) to kilograms (kg), feel free to use this conversion calculator - write the value that You have and click 'Calculate' to convert it:

Kilograms (kg) to Stone (st)

Kilograms (kg):

Stone (st):

Stone (st) to Kilograms (kg)

Stone (st):

Kilograms (kg):

Conversion Formulas

kilograms to stone w400px

One stone (st) is a unit of mass and it is defined as having exactly 14 pounds, while one pound (lb) is also a unit of mass and it is defined as having exactly 0.45359237 kg.

Thus we can find the relation between kilogram (kg) and stone (st):

M(stone) = 14 Pounds = 14 * 0.45359237 kg = 6.35029318 kg

M(kg) = M(st) / 6.35029318  = 0.15747304 st

Stone (st) as a unit of mass is mostly used for measuring the weight of the human body (sports events, for example, boxing) and very rarely in trade.

Over time, different values for stone were used, but after standardization 1 (one) stone is 14 pounds (pounds are also standardized to 0.45359237 kg), making the conversion from stone to kilograms and kilograms to stones much easier.

Conversion Examples

How many kilograms are 4 stone?

In order to calculate the mass of 4 stone in kilograms, we use the following formula:

M = 4 Stone = 4 * 6.35029318 kg = 25.4 kg

So, 4 stone equals 25.4 kg.

How many kilograms are 16 stone?

In order to calculate the mass of 16 stone in kilograms, we use the following formula:

M = 16 Stone = 16 * 6.35029318 kg = 101.6 kg

So, 16 stone equals 101.6 kg.

How many stones are 150 kilograms?

In order to calculate the mass of 150 kilograms in stone, we use the following formula:

M = 150 kg = 150 / 6.35029318 = 23.62 stone

So, 150 kilograms equals 23.62 stone.

Kilograms to Stones and Stones to Kilograms Conversion Charts

Here are some kilograms to stones and stones to kilograms quick conversion charts to aid You with units' conversions:

Kilograms (kg)
Stone (st)
1 0.15747
2 0.31494
3 0.47241
5 0.78736
8 1.25978
10 1.57473
20 3.14946
30 4.72419
50 7.87365
100 15.7473
Stone (st)
Kilograms (kg)
0.1 0.63502
0.2 1.27005
0.3 1.90508
0.5 3.17514
0.8 5.08023
1.0 6.35029
2 12.7005
3 19.0508
5 31.7514
10 63.5029

For more values, please, use the conversion calculators.