How Many Grams Are in a Gallon: Grams to Gallons and Gallons to Grams

Convert grams to gallons and gallons to grams using our conversion tables and conversion calculator, and learn the relationship between these two units.

Conversion of grams to gallons and gallons to grams is an easy one, but one must be aware that the gram is a unit of mass, while the gallon is a unit of volume and some assumptions must be made.

Grams to Gallons and Gallons to Grams Conversion Calculator

In order to convert grams to gallons and gallons to grams, feel free to use this conversion calculator - write the value that You have and click 'Calculate' to convert it (again, values are very accurate for plain water, but for other liquids, You must also calculate in the liquids' densities):

Grams to US Gallons


US Gallons:

US Gallons to Grams

US Gallons:


Grams to Imperial Gallons


Imperial Gallons:

Imperial Gallons to Grams

Imperial Gallons:


Conversion Formulas

Gram is a metric system unit of mass and it was first defined as a mass of 1 milliliter (1 cm3) water at 0°C (later at 4°C) - modern definition of a gram and a kilogram is based on the fixed numerical value of the Planck constant h, but the actual difference is very small and can be ignored in everyday situations.

Thus, gallons-grams conversion formulas are:

1 US Liquid Gallon = 128 US Fluid Ounces (fl oz) = 3.78541 liters = 3785.41 grams (of water)

1 Imp Liquid Gallon = 160 Imp Fluid Ounces = 4.54609 liters = 4546.09 grams (of water)

It must be emphasized that if You have a liquid that is less dense than the water (oil, gas/petrol, etc.) or denser than the water (salty water, for example) then in order to accurately convert the grams to gallons and gallons to grams, You also have to take the density of the liquid into account.

Water Density Chart

In these examples, we assume water density to be 1 gram per 1 milliliter. Hower, if somebody wants to calculate more accurately, actual water density must be used. The following table lists water densities at certain temperatures:

Temperature (°F/°C) Density (kg/liter) Weight (lbs/ft3)
32°F/0°C 0.99987 62.416
39.2°F/4.0°C 1.00000 62.424
40°F/4.4°C 0.99999 62.423
50°F/10°C 0.99975 62.408
60°F/15.6°C 0.99907 62.366
70°F/21°C 0.99802 62.300
80°F/26.7°C 0.99669 62.217
90°F/32.2°C 0.99510 62.118
100°F/37.8°C 0.99318 61.998
120°F/48.9°C 0.98870 61.719
140°F/60°C 0.98338 61.386
160°F/71.1°C 0.97729 61.006
180°F/82.2°C 0.97056 60.586
200°F/93.3°C 0.96333 60.135
212°F/100°C 0.95865 59.843

If you are going to calculate mass/volume for some other liquid, be sure to calculate using the liquid's actual density.

Conversion Examples

If You have 2 gallons (US/Imp) that would be:

V(g) = 3785.41 * V(US gallon) = 3785.41 * 2 = 7570.82 ml = 7570.82 grams (of water)

V(g) = 4546.09 * V(Imp gallon) = 4546.09 * 2 = 9092.18 ml = 9092.18 grams (of water) 


Grams to Gallons and Gallons to Grams Conversion Charts

Here are some grams to gallons and gallons to grams quick conversion charts to aid You with units' conversions (again, values are very accurate for plain water, for other liquids, You must also calculate in the liquids' densities):

Grams US Gallons Imperial Gallons
1 0.000264 0.000219
10 0.00264 0.00219
100 0.0264 0.0219 
453.6 (~1 lbs) 0.1198 0.0997 
1000 0.2641 0.2199 
2000 0.5283 0.4399 
3000 0.7925 0.6599 
4000 1.0566 0.8798 
5000 1.3208 1.0998 
10000 2.6417 2.1996


US Gallons Grams
0.1 378.5 
0.2 757.0 
0.3 1135.6
0.4 1514.1
0.5 1892.7 
0.6 2271.2
0.7 2649.7
0.8 3028.3
0.9 3406.8
1.0 3785.4
Imperial Gallons Grams
0.1 454.6
0.2 909.2
0.3 1363.8
0.4 1818.4
0.5 2273.0
0.6 2727.6
0.7 3182.2
0.8 3636.8
0.9 4091.4
1.0 4546.0

For more values, please, use the conversion calculators.