How Many Grams Are in a Troy Ounce - Grams to Troy Ounces and Troy Ounces to Grams

Feel free to convert grams to troy ounces and troy ounces to grams using our conversion tables and conversion calculators, and learn the relationship between these two units.

Grams to Troy Ounces and Troy Ounces to Grams Conversion Calculator

In order to convert grams to Troy ounces and Troy ounces to grams, feel free to use this conversion calculator - write the value that You have and click 'Calculate':

Grams to Troy Ounces


Troy Ounces:

Troy Ounces to Grams

Troy Ounces:


Conversion Formulas

Troy ounces are not used very often, but when they are used, they are used for weighing precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, and similar - any error in weighing such valuable metals can lead to great money loss.

Conversion of grams to troy ounces and troy ounces to grams is an easy one because both grams and troy ounces are units of mass, with fix ratio between these two units.

fine gold w400px

Gram is a metric system unit of mass while Troy Ounce (oz t) is defined as:

1 Troy Ounce (oz t) = 480 grains

The grain itself is defined as "ideal cereal seed" and standardized to:

1 grain = 64.79891 mg = 0.06479891 grams

Thus, the relation between grams and Troy Ounces is:

1 Troy Ounce (oz t) = 480 * 0.06479891 = 31.1034768 grams

1 gram = 0.0321507 oz t

Since the relation between standard ounce and grams is:

1 standard ounce (oz) = 28.3495 grams (g)

1 gram (g) = 0.035274 standard ounces (oz)

we can also write:

1 Troy Ounce = 1.09714 Standard Ounce

But, the relation between a standard ounce and a Troy ounce is beyond the scope of this article.

Nonetheless, as one can see, since the grams to Troy ounces and Troy ounces to grams conversion is a conversation of two well-defined mass units, the actual conversion is very simple.

Conversion Examples

Note: since there is very little difference between "oz" and "oz t" we will write Troy Ounce instead of "oz t" as often as we can.

If You have a gold bar that weighs 50 grams that would be:

M = 50 / 31.1034768 = 1.60753 Troy Ounces

Similarly, if You have 10 Troy ounces, that would be:

M = 10 Troy ounces = 10 * 31.1034768 = 311.034768 grams 

Grams to Troy Ounces and Troy Ounces to Grams Conversion Tables

Here are some grams to Troy ounces and Troy ounces to grams quick conversion tables to aid You with units' conversions:

Troy Ounces Grams
0.1 3.1103
0.2 6.2207
0.3 9.3310
0.4 12.441
0.5 15.551
0.6 18.662
0.7  21.772
0.8 24.882
0.9 27.993
1.0 31.103
2.0 62.207
4.0 124.41
5.0 155.51
Grams Troy Ounces
10 0.32150
50 1.60753
100 3.21507
300 9.64522
500 16.0754
800 25.7206
1000 32.1507
1500 48.2261
2000 64.3015
4000 128.603
5000 160.754
8000 257.206
10000 321.507

For more values, please, use the conversion calculators.