How Many Ounces Are in a Cubic Inch: Ounces to Cubic Inches and Cubic Inches to Ounces

The conversion from cubic inches to ounces is a very important aspect in areas such as engineering, manufacturing, and culinary arts, where precision in volume and weight measurements is essential.

Understanding this relationship is vital for professionals and hobbyists alike who require precise and reliable conversions for their work or personal projects.

Ounces to Cubic Inches and Cubic Inches to Ounces Conversion Calculator

In order to convert ounces to cubic inches and cubic inches to ounces, feel free to use this conversion calculator - write the value that You have and click 'Calculate' to convert it:

US Fluid Ounces to Cubic Inches

US Fluid Ounces:

Cubic Inches:

Cubic Inches to US Fluid Ounces

Cubic Inches:

US Fluid Ounces:

Imperial Fluid Ounces to Cubic Inches

Imperial Fluid Ounces:

Cubic Inches:

Cubic Inches to Imperial Fluid Ounces

Cubic Inches:

Imperial Fluid Ounces:

ounces to cubic inches w400

Conversion Formulas

An inch is a non-SI measure of length, and thus a cubic inch is a measure of volume. Cubic inch can be expressed with other units of volume, like fluid ounces and liters.

1 US Fluid Ounce = 1.80469 Cubic Inches = 29.5735 milliliters

1 Imp Fluid Ounce = 1.73387 Cubic Inches = 28.4131 milliliters

1 Cubic Inch = 0.554113 US Fluid Ounces = 0.576744 Imp Fluid Ounces = 16.387064 milliliters

Thus, in order to convert volume given in cubic inches into volume given in ounces, use these formulas:

V(US fl oz)= 0.554113 * V(cubic inches)

V(Imp fl oz)= 0.576744 * V(cubic inches)

Conversion Examples

If You have 7 cubic inches, that would be:

V(US fl oz)= 0.554113 * V(cubic inches) = 0.554113 * 7 = 3.8787 US fl oz = 114.7 milliliters

V(Imp fl oz)= 0.576744 * V(cubic inches) = 0.576744 * 7 = 4.0372 Imp fl oz = 114.7 milliliters

Ounces to Cubic Inches and Cubic Inches to Ounces Conversion Tables

Here are some ounces-to-cubic inches and cubic inches-to-ounces quick conversion tabless to aid You with units' conversions:

US Fluid Ounces
Cubic Inches
0.1 0.18046
0.5 0.90234
1 1.80469
2 3.60938
3 5.41407
5 9.02345
8 14.4375
10 18.0469
15 27.0703
20 36.0938
30 54.1407
50 90.2345
Cubic Inches
US Liquid Ounces
0.1 0.055411
0.2 0.110822
0.3 0.166233
0.5 0.277055
0.8 0.443289
1.0 0.554111
1.5 0.831167
2.0 1.108223
3.0 1.662335
5.0 2.770558
10 5.541117
50 27.70558
Imp. Fluid Ounces
Cubic Inches
0.1 0.17338
0.5 0.86693
1 1.73387
2 3.46774
3 5.20161
5 8.66935
8 13.8709
10 17.3387
15 26.0080
20 34.6774
30 52.0161
50 86.6935
Cubic Inches
Imp. Liquid Ounces
0.1 0.057674
0.2 0.115348
0.3 0.173023
0.5 0.288372
0.8 0.461395
1.0 0.576744
1.5 0.865116
2.0 1.153489
3.0 1.730233
5.0 2.883722
10 5.767445
50 28.83722

For more values, please, use the conversion calculators.