How Many Tablespoons Are in a Cup: Tbsp to Cups and Cups to Tbsp
Convert tablespoons to cups and cups to tablespoons using our conversion chart and conversion calculator, and learn the relationship between these two units.
Tablespoons to Cups and Cups to Tablespoons Conversion Calculator
In order to convert tablespoons to cups and cups to tablespoons, feel free to use this conversion calculator - write the value that You have and click 'Calculate' to convert it:
US Tablespoons to US Legal Cups |
US Tablespoons: US Legal Cups: |
US Legal Cups to US Tablespoons |
US Legal Cups: US Tablespoons: |
Imp. Tablespoons to Imperial Cups |
Imp. Tablespoons: Imperial Cups: |
Imperial Cups to Imp. Tablespoons |
Imperial Cups: Imp. Tablespoons: |
Conversion Formulas
Conversion of tablespoons to cups and cups to tablespoons is an easy one, but one must be aware that the tablespoons and cups are not units of the SI system of units, and we also have both US and Imperial tablespoons and cups as units of volume.
In order to convert tablespoons to cups and vice versa, the best thing to do is to define them using one (more or less) standard unit, in this case, milliliters:
1 US Legal Cup = 8.11537 US Fluid Ounces = 0.24 liters = 240 milliliters
1 US Customary Cup = 8 US Fluid Ounces = 0.2365882365 liters = 236.5882365 milliliters
1 US Tablespoon = 1/2 US Fluid Ounces = 14.7868 milliliters
1 Imp Cup = 10 Imp Fluid Ounces = 0.284131 liters = 284.131 milliliters
1 Imp Tablespoon = 0.625 Imp Fluid Ounces = 17.7582 milliliters
Thus, we can write:
1 US Legal Cup = (240 / 14.7868) US Tbsp = ~16.23069 US Tbsp
1 US Tbsp = (14.7868 / 240) US Cup = ~0.0616116 US Cup
1 Imp Cup = (284.131 / 17.7582) Imp Tbsp = 16 Imp Tbsp
1 Imp Tbsp = (17.7582 / 284.131) Imp Cup = 0.0625 Imp Cup
Note: tablespoons and cups can be used to measure the weight of liquids - for example, water is roughly 1g per 1 milliliter.
It must be emphasized that if You have a liquid that is less dense than the water (oil, gas/petrol, etc.) or denser than the water (salty water, for example), You also have to take the density of the liquid into account.
Tablespoons to Cups and Cups to Tablespoons Conversion Examples
Here are a few conversion examples that may be helpful:
How many tablespoons are in a 1/4 cup:
V(US tbsp) = 1/4 V(US Cup) = V(US Cup) / 4 = 16.23069 / 4 US Tbsp = 4.04767 US Tbsp
So, if You have 1/4 of the US (Legal) Cup, that would be ~4.04767 US tablespoons. Similarly,
V(Imp tbsp) = 1/4 V(Imp Cup) = V(Imp Cup) / 4 = 16 / 4 Imp Tbsp = 4 Imp Tbsp
So, if You have 1/4 of Imp Cup, that would be 4 Imperial tablespoons.
Tablespoons to Cups and Cups to Tablespoons Conversion Tables
Here are some tablespoons-to-cups and cups-to-tablespoons quick conversion tables to aid You with units' conversions:
For more values, please, use the conversion calculators.