How Many Gallons Are in a Pint: Gallons to Pints and Pints to Gallons

Convert gallons to pints and pints to gallons using our conversion chart, conversion calculator, and learn the relationship between these units.

Conversion of gallons to pints and pints to gallons is an easy one because both gallons to pints and pints to gallons are units of volume and both US and Imperial units have the same relationship, although different values.

one pint of beer w300px

Gallons to Pints and Pints to Gallons Conversion Calculator

In order to convert gallons to pints and pints to gallons, feel free to use this conversion calculator - write the value that You have and click 'Calculate' to convert it:

Gallons to Pints



Pints to Gallons



Conversion Formulas

Pint is a non-SI measure of volume, with two different units - US (Liquid) Pint and Imperial (Liquid) Pint.

1 US Liquid Pint = 16 US Fluid Ounces = 0.473176 liters

1 Imp Liquid Pint = 20 Imp Fluid Ounces = 0.568261 liters

Gallon is also a non-SI measure of volume, with two different units - US Gallon and Imperial Gallon:

1 US Gallon = 128 US Fluid Ounces (fl oz) = 3.78541 liters

1 Imp Gallon = 160 Imp Fluid Ounces = 4.54609 liters

Thus, in order to convert volume given in gallons into volume given in pints and vice versa, use these formulas:

V(US gal) = V(US liquid pint) / 8

V(Imp gal) = V(Imp liquid pint) / 8

For short, one pint is 1/8 of a gallon.


V(US liquid pint) = V(US gal) * 8

V(Imp liquid pint) = V(Imp gal) * 8

Note: There is also a US Dry Pint that is used for measuring the volume of dry items (food, for example).  US Dry Pint equals 33.6 cubic inches (or 0.5506 liters) and is slightly larger than US Liquid Pint (0.473176 liters). In most situations, unless stated otherwise, when people ask how many (US) gallons are in a pint, the 'liquid' pints are used. 

Gallons to Pints and Pints to Gallons Conversion Examples

If You have 4.7 pints (US/Imp) that would be:

V(US gal)= V(US liquid pint) / 8 = 4.7 US pints / 8 = 0.5875 US gallons = 2223.9272 milliliters = 2.223 liters

V(Imp gal)= V(Imp liquid pint) / 8 = 4.7 Imp pints / 8 = 0.5875 Imp gallons = 2670.8314 milliliters = 2.670 liters

Although volume of the US and Imp gallons and pints is not the same, their relation is the same - one gallon has 8 pints. Thus if You wonder:

- 4 pints equals how many gallons: 4 pints / 8 = 0.5 gallons

- 6 pints equals how many gallons: 6 pints / 8 = 0.75 gallons

- 8 pints equals how many gallons: 8 pints / 8 = 1 gallon

- 12 pints equals how many gallons: 12 pints / 8 = 1.5 gallons

- 48 pints equals how many gallons: 46 pints / 8 = 6 gallons

- 72 pints equals how many gallons: 72 pints / 8 = 9 gallons


Gallons to Pints and Pints to Gallons Conversion Charts

Here are some gallons to pints and pints to gallons quick conversion charts to aid You with units' conversions:

1 0.125
2 0.25
3 0.375
4 0.5
8 1.0
10 1.25
15 1.875
20 2.5
30 3.75
50 6.25
0.1 0.8
0.2 1.6
0.3 2.4
0.5 4.0
0.8 6.4
1.0 8.0
1.5 12.0
2.0 16
3.0 24
5.0 40

For more values, please, use the conversion calculators.