How Many Gallons Are in a Cubic Yard: Gallons to Cubic Yards and Cubic Yards to Gallons Conversion
In order to convert gallons to cubic yards and cubic yards to gallons, feel free to use our conversion tables and conversion calculator, but also, learn the relationship between these units.
Gallons to Cubic Yards and Cubic Yards to Gallons Conversion Calculator
In order to convert gallons to cubic yards and cubic yards to gallons, feel free to use this conversion calculator - write the value that You have and click 'Calculate' to convert it:
Cubic Yards to US Gallons |
Cubic Yards: US Gallons: |
US Gallons to Cubic Yards |
US Gallons: Cubic Yards: |
Cubic Yards to Imperial Gallons |
Cubic Yards: Imperial Gallons: |
Imperial Gallons to Cubic Yards |
Imperial Gallons: Cubic Yards: |
Conversion Formulas
Conversion of gallons to cubic yards and cubic yards to gallons is an easy one because both gallons and cubic yards are units of volume and both US and Imperial units have the same relationship, although different values.
Gallons are a non-SI measure of volume, with two different units - US Gallon and Imperial Gallon:
1 US Gallon = 128 US Fluid Ounces (fl oz) = 3.78541 liters → 1 liter = 0.26417 US Gallon
1 Imp Gallon = 160 Imp Fluid Ounces = 4.54609 liters → 1 liter = 0.219969 Imp Gallon
Also, a cubic yard is a non-SI measure of volume, derived from the yard, the unit of length.
1 Yard = 0.9144 m
Hence, one cubic yard equals to:
1 Yard3 = (0.9144 m)3 = 0.764554857984 m3 = 764.554 liters → 1 liter = 0.0013079506 Yard3
Thus, in order to convert volume given in gallons into volume given in cubic yards and vice versa, use these formulas:
1 liter = 0.0013079506 Yard3 = 0.26417 US Gallon = 0.219969 Imp Gallon
Yard3 = 201.97 US Gallon = 168.18 Imp Gallon
US Gallon = 0.00495113 Yard3
Imp Gallon = 0.00594606 Yard3
Gallons to Cubic Yards and Cubic Yards to Gallons Conversion Examples
If You have 4.7 gallons (US/Imp) that would be:
US Gallons: Volume(cubic yards) = 4.7 * 0.00495113 = 0.02327 Yards3
Imp Gallons: Volume(cubic yards) = 4.7 * 0.00594606 = 0.02794 Yards3
- 1000 US Gallons = 4.95113 Yards3
- 500 Imp Gallons = 2.97303 Yards3
- 20 Yards3 = 4039.48 US Gallons = 3363.57 Imp Gallons
Gallons to Cubic Yards and Cubic Yards to Gallons Conversion Tables
Here are some gallons to cubic yards and cubic yards to gallons quick conversion tables to aid You with units' conversions:
For more values, please, use the conversion calculators.