How Many Cups Are in a Quart: Cups to Quarts and Quarts to Cups

Both cups and quarts are not units of the SI system, they are both units of volume, and their conversions are simple and straightforward.

However, when converting these units, some care must be taken since there are few versions of both quarts and cups.

Cups to Quarts and Quarts to Cups Conversion Calculator

In order to convert cups to quarts and quarts to cups, feel free to use this conversion calculator - write the value that You have and click 'Calculate' to convert it:

US Legal Cups to US Liquid Quarts

US Legal Cups:

US Liquid Quarts:

US Liquid Quarts to US Legal Cups

US Liquid Quarts:

US Legal Cups:

Imperial Cups to Imperial Quarts

Imperial Cups:

Imperial Quarts:

Imperial Quarts to Imperial Cups

Imperial Quarts:

Imperial Cups:


Conversion Formulas

The Imperial (British) measurement system uses only a single quart unit for both solids and liquids. In contrast, the US measurement system uses a dry quart for measuring the volume of (dry) solids and a liquid quart for measuring the volume of liquids.

1 US Dry Quart = 37.2364 US Fluid Ounces

1 US Liquid Quart = 32 US Fluid Ounces

1 US (Legal) Cup = 8.11537 US Fluid Ounces

1 Imp Fluid Ounce = 1/40 Imp Liquid Quarts

1 Imp Liquid Quart = 40 Imp Fluid Ounces

1 Imp Cup = 10 Imp Fluid Ounces

Thus, in order to convert the volume given in cups into volume given in quarts, and vice versa, use these formulas:

V(US dry quart)= V(US cup) * 8.11537 / 37.2364 = 0.21794 * V(US cup)

V(US cup) = V(US dry quart) * 37.2364 /8.11537 = 4.588379 V(US dry quart)

V(US liquid quart)= V(US cup) * 8.11537 / 32 = 0.253605 * V(US cup)

V(US cup) = V(US liquid) * 32 /8.11537 = 3.943135 V(US dry quart)

V(Imp liquid quart) = V(Imp cup) / 4

V(Imp cup)= 4 * V(Imp liquid quart)

Conversion Examples

Generally, in many situations, the assumption that 1 quart contains 4 cups (for US units) is good enough - for recipes, for example, this is more than enough. However, here are some examples that calculate the exact values of these units.

4 Quarts To Cups:

US Dry Quart → V(US cup) = 4.588379 * 4 = 18.353516 US Cups

US Liquid Quart → V(US cup) = 3.943135 * 4 = 15.77254 US Cups = ~ 16 US Cups

Imp. Quart → V(Imp cup) = 4 * 4 = 16 Imp Cups

4 Cups To Quarts:

US Dry Quart → V(US dry quart) = 4 * 0.21794 = 0.87176 US Dry Quarts

US Liquid Quart → V(US liquid quart) = 4 * 0.253605 = 1.01442 US Cups = ~ 1 US Liquid Quarts

Imp. Quart → V(Imp quart) = 4 / 4 = 16 Imp Quarts