Speed Calculators
Here, you'll find easy-to-use tools for converting between various units of speed, such as meters per second to feet per second, kilometers per hour to miles per hour, and more.
Whether you're tackling a physics problem or just curious about speed conversions, our calculators provide quick and accurate results to meet your needs.
Miles Per Hour to Kilometers Per Hour (mph to km/h) and Kilometers Per Hour to Miles Per Hour (km/h to mph) Conversion
Whether you're planning a trip abroad, studying for a test, or just curious about speed conversions, understanding how to convert between miles per hour (mph) and kilometers per hour (km/h) is essential.
Our guide provides you with a straightforward method to make these conversions quickly and accurately, ensuring you can navigate speed limits and distances with ease, no matter where you are.
Convert Knots to Meters Per Second and Vice Versa: knots to m/s and m/s to knots
Feel free to convert knots to meters per second (knots to m/s) and meters per second to knots (m/s to knots) using our conversion tables and conversion calculator, and learn the relationship between these two units.
Conversion of knots to meters per second (knots to m/s) and meters per second to knots (m/s to knots) is an easy one since both units are used for measuring speed.
And while the meter is a unit of the SI system of units, obviously the nautical mile is not, but it is still used very often.
How to Convert km/h to m/s and m/s to km/h
Feel free to convert kilometers per hour to meters per second (km/h to m/s) and meters per second to kilometers per hour (m/s to km/h) using our conversion chart, and conversion calculator, and learn the relationship between these two units.
Conversion of kilometers per hour to meters per second (km/h to m/s) and meters per second to kilometers per hour (m/s to km/h) is an easy one since both units are used for measuring speed.
Miles Per Hour to Meters Per Second (mph to m/s) and Meters Per Second to Miles Per Hour (m/s to mph) Conversion
Feel free to convert miles per hour to meters per second (mph to m/s) and meters per second to miles per hour (m/s to mph) using our conversion chart and conversion calculator, and learn the relationship between these two units.
Conversion of miles per hour to meters per second (mph to m/s) and meters per second to miles per hour (m/s to mph) is an easy one since both units are used for measuring speed. While the meter is a unit of the SI system of units, obviously, the mile is not a unit of the SI system of units, but it is still used very often (obviously).
Meters Per Second to Feet Per Second: ft/s to m/s and m/s to ft/s Conversion
Feel free to convert feet per second to meters per second (ft/s to m/s) and meters per second to feet per second (m/s to ft/s) using our conversion tables, and conversion calculator, and learn the relationship between these two units.
Conversion of feet per second to meters per second and vice versa is an easy one since both units are used for measuring speed. And while the meter is a unit of the SI system of units, the foot is not a unit of the SI system of units, but it is still used very often (obviously).
Mph to Knots and Knot to Mph Conversion
Feel free to convert knots to miles per hour (knots to mph) and miles per hour to knots (mph to knots) using our conversion chart and conversion calculator and learn the relationship between these two units.
Conversion of knots to miles per hour (knots to mph) and miles per hour to knots (mph to knots) is easy since both units measure speed.
Obviously, the knots and miles per hour are not units of the SI system of units, but they are still used very often.