How Many Inches Are In A Meter: Meters to Inches and Inches to Meters

Feel free to convert inches to meters and meters to inches using our conversion charts and conversion calculator, and learn the relationship between these two units.

Inches to Meters and Meters to Inches Conversion Calculator

In order to convert inches to meters and meters o inches, feel free to use this conversion calculator - write the value that You have and click 'Calculate' to convert it:

Inches to Meters (m)


Meters (m):

Meters (m) to Inches

Meters (m):


Conversion Formulas

Conversion of inches to meters and vice versa is an easy one since both units are used for measuring length or distance. And while the meter is a unit of the SI system of units, the inch is not a unit of the SI system of units, but it is still used very often (obviously).

This conversion is easy since the inch features a standardized value in meters (m).

inches to meter 1

Meters and inches are used to measure length, with their relationship being standardized:

1 inch = 0.0254 m

1 meter = 1/0.0254 inches = 39.370078 inches = ~39.37 inches

Thus, if we want to convert inches to meters and meters to inches, we can write:

1 inch = 0. 0.0254 meters

1 meter = 39.37 inches

These last two formulas allow us to convert meters to inches and inches to meters easily.

Inches to Meters and Meters to Inches Conversion Examples

Convert 3m to inches:

In order to convert 3 meters to inches, we can write:

L = 3m = 3 / 0.0254 = 118.11 inches

So, the length (L) of 3 meters equals the length of 118.11 inches.

Convert 16 inches to meters:

In order to convert 16 inches to meters, we can write:

L = 16 inches = 16 * 0.0254 = 0.4064 m

So, the length (L) of 16 inches is equal to 0.4064 meters.

Inches to Meters and Meters to Inches Conversion Tables

Here are some inches-to-meters and meters-to-inches quick conversion tables to aid You with units' conversions:

Meters (m)
1.0 0.0254
2.0 0.0508
3.0 0.0762
5.0 0.127
8.0 0.2032
10.0 0.254
20.0 0.508
30.0 0.762
50.0 1.27
100.0 2.54
Meters (m)
0.1 3.9370
0.2 7.8740
0.3 11.811
0.5 19.685
0.8 31.496
1.0 39.370
2.0 78.740
3.0 118.11
5.0 196.85
10.0 393.7


For more values, please, use the conversion calculators.

Brief History of Inches and Meters

The inch and meter are two prominent units of length measurement, each with its own unique history and significance.

The inch has its roots in ancient civilizations, with the earliest known use attributed to the Romans. The word "inch" comes from the Latin word uncia, meaning "one-twelfth," as it was originally defined as one-twelfth of a Roman foot.

In medieval England, the inch was standardized based on the length of three barleycorns placed end-to-end, a method that was used until more precise measurements were established. Today, the inch is part of the imperial system and widely used in the U.S., equating to exactly 25.4 millimeters.

The meter, on the other hand, is a product of the scientific revolution. Introduced during the French Revolution in the 1790s, it was intended to provide a universal and rational measurement system.

Originally defined as one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole along a meridian through Paris, the meter has undergone several refinements with advances in measurement accuracy.

Since 1983, the meter has been defined by the speed of light, making it the most precise and consistent unit of length in the metric system, which is now used by most countries worldwide.

While inches remain prevalent in certain regions and industries, the meter has become the global standard in scientific, industrial, and everyday applications, reflecting the modern world's push for consistency and precision in measurements.