Milliwatts to Watts and Watts to Milliwatts: How Many Milliwatts Are In A Watt?
Milliwatts (mW) and watts (W) are directly related units of power and it is very easy to convert milliwatts to watts and watts to milliwatts.
In order to convert milliwatts to watts and watts to milliwatts, feel free to use our conversion chart, conversion calculator, but also, learn the relationship between these units.
Just be aware that the "milli (m)" is one of the official unit prefixes in the International System (SI) of Units and means one-thousandth (1/1000 = 1/103 = 10-3) - so one milliwatt (mW) is one-thousandth of one watt (W).
Milliwatts to Watts and Watts to Milliwatts Conversion Calculator
In order to convert milliwatts to watts and watts to milliwatts, feel free to use this conversion calculator - write the value that You have and click 'Calculate' to convert it:
Milliwatts to Watts |
Milliwatts: Watts: |
Watts to Milliwatts |
Watts: Milliwatts: |
Conversion Formulas
Both milliwatts (mW) and watts (W) are units of power, with the following relation between them:
1 watt (W) = 1000 milliwatts (mW)
1 milliwatt (mW) = 1/1000 watt = 0.001 watt (W)
Again, "milli (m)" is one of the official unit prefixes in the International System (SI) of Units and means one-thousandth (1/1000 = 1/103 = 10-3) - one milliwatt is one-thousandth of a watt.
Thus, in order to convert the power given in milliwatts into the power given in watts and vice versa, be sure to remember the following formulas:
Pwatts = Pmilliwatts / 1000
Pmilliwatts = Pwatts * 1000
Milliwatts to Watts and Watts to Milliwatts Conversion Examples
Using conversion formulas, it is fairly easy to convert milliwatts to watts and watts to milliwatts:
500 milliwatts to watts:
P(W) = 500 milliwatts / 1000 = 0.5 W
3.675 watts to milliwatts:
P(mW) = 3.675 watts * 1000 = 3675 mW
Milliwatts are very small amounts of power measured with very accurate apparatuses, for example, power of the button/coin watch batteries and similar. For example:
SR626SW is a very popular silver-oxide battery with a nominal voltage of 1.55V, a typical capacity of 25 mAh, and a typical current of 50μA.
In order to calculate the power of such a battery, we use the following formula:
P(W) = U(V) * I(A) = 0.0000775 W = 0.0775 mW = 77.5 μW
So, when converting milliwatts to watts and watts to milliwatts, just be sure to multiply and divide by 1000 and that is all.
Also, when converting microwatts to milliwatts and milliwatts to microwatts, just be sure to multiply and divide by 1000 - the simplicity of SI Unit prefixes.
Milliwatts to Watts and Watts to Milliwatts Conversion Charts
Here is the milliwatts to watts and watts to milliwatts quick conversion chart to aid You with units' conversions:
Milliwatts |
100 | 0.1 |
500 | 0.5 |
1000 | 1 |
5000 | 5 |
10000 | 10 |
50000 | 50 |
100000 | 100 |
200000 | 200 |
500000 | 500 |
1000000 | 1000 |
For more values, please, use the conversion calculators, or simply move the decimal point 3 positions to the left (milliwatts to watts) or to the right (watts to milliwatts).
Brief History of Watts
The Watt, symbolized as "W," is a fundamental unit in the International System of Units (SI) that measures power—the rate at which energy is transferred or converted. Named after the Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer James Watt, the watt plays a crucial role in physics and engineering. To fully understand its importance, let’s explore its history, significance, and its position within the SI system.
Origins and Historical Background
The Watt is named after James Watt (1736–1819), a pivotal figure in the development of the steam engine. Watt's innovations in steam technology dramatically improved efficiency, fueling the Industrial Revolution. His work on measuring power output became essential for understanding and optimizing mechanical systems, leading to the introduction of the unit "watt" to honor his contributions.
However, the concept of measuring power existed long before Watt. In the 17th and 18th centuries, engineers and scientists worked with various units to measure the work done by engines and machines. James Watt made a significant breakthrough when he compared the work output of his steam engines to that of horses, coining the term "horsepower." This allowed him to communicate his engine's efficiency in terms easily understood by the industrial community of his time.
While "horsepower" was practical for measuring steam engines, it was not universally standardized. Over time, the need for a consistent, internationally recognized unit for measuring power became clear, especially as technology advanced and new forms of energy emerged. The establishment of the watt as a unit in the SI system was a step towards this consistency.
Introduction to the Watt
In the late 19th century, the British Association for the Advancement of Science proposed the watt as a standard unit of power in honor of James Watt’s contributions to engineering and industry. The watt was officially adopted as a unit of power in 1882. It was defined as one joule per second, meaning that one watt is the amount of power needed to transfer or convert one joule of energy per second.
This definition aligns with the broader principles of physics, connecting energy (measured in joules) and time (measured in seconds) to power. By creating this link, the watt became a critical part of the scientific community’s effort to build a consistent and universal measurement system.
The Watt in the International System of Units (SI)
The International System of Units (SI) is the modern form of the metric system, designed to provide a unified framework for measuring physical quantities. The watt is an SI-derived unit, based on the primary SI units of time (second) and energy (joule). As a derived unit, the watt integrates these fundamental components, ensuring a standardized method for measuring power in various contexts, including mechanical work, electrical energy, and thermal energy.
In mechanical systems, the watt measures the rate at which work is done, such as when lifting a weight or rotating a machine component. In electrical systems, it quantifies the rate of energy conversion or transfer. For example, when an electrical device consumes energy, the power it uses is expressed in watts, indicating how much energy it draws per second. This universality makes the watt a versatile unit, applicable to different domains, including thermal, mechanical, and electrical energy.
Applications of the Watt
The adoption of the watt as a standard unit has enabled precise communication and calculations in numerous fields:
- Electrical Power: In electrical systems, watts measure the power consumption of devices like light bulbs, heaters, and motors. A 60-watt light bulb, for example, consumes 60 joules of energy per second. This clarity helps engineers, technicians, and consumers understand and compare energy usage across various appliances.
- Mechanical Power: The watt is also used to measure mechanical power, such as the output of engines or motors. Engineers use watts to determine how much work a machine can perform over a specific time, allowing for efficient design and optimization.
- Renewable Energy: In renewable energy systems like solar panels and wind turbines, the watt is crucial for calculating energy output. Solar panels, for instance, are rated in watts, helping users estimate how much power they can generate under specific conditions.
The Watt and Its Larger Multiples
In practice, the watt is often used with its larger multiples, such as kilowatt (kW), megawatt (MW), and gigawatt (GW). A kilowatt equals 1,000 watts, while a megawatt equals one million watts. These multiples are frequently used in industry and infrastructure projects:
- Kilowatts (kW): Commonly seen in household electrical systems and small appliances. For instance, the power output of household generators and solar panels is typically measured in kilowatts.
- Megawatts (MW): Used for larger industrial applications, such as power plants. Wind turbines and solar farms often generate power in the megawatt range.
- Gigawatts (GW): Used for large-scale power production and national energy grids. Nuclear power plants and major hydroelectric stations produce power in the gigawatt range.
But, Watt is also used for smaller units like milliwatts (mW), microwatts (μW), nanowatts (nW), etc.
The watt, as a measure of power, plays a fundamental role in science, engineering, and daily life. Its establishment as part of the SI system standardized how power is measured, ensuring consistency and clarity across different fields. From James Watt’s early innovations in steam technology to modern renewable energy systems, the watt remains a vital unit for understanding and managing the energy that drives our world.