Millivolts to volts and volts to Millivolts: How Many Millivolts Are In A Volt?
Millivolts (mV) and volts (V) are directly related units of potential difference (Voltage), making the conversion from millivolts to volts and volts to millivolts very easy.
In order to convert millivolts to volts and volts to millivolts, feel free to use our conversion chart, conversion calculator, but also, learn the relationship between these units.
Just be aware that the "milli (m)" is one of the official unit prefixes in the International System (SI) of Units and means one-thousandth (1/1000 = 1/103 = 10-3) - so one millivolt (mV) is one-thousandth of one volt (V).
Millivolts to Volts and Volts to Millivolts Conversion Calculator
In order to convert millivolts to Volts and Volts to millivolts, feel free to use this conversion calculator - write the value that You have and click 'Calculate' to convert it:
Millivolts to Volts |
Millivolts (mV): Volts (V): |
Volts to Millivolts |
Volts (V): Millivolts (mV): |
Millivolts to Volts and Volts to Millivolts Conversion Formulas
Both millivolts (mV) and volts (V) are units of potential difference - voltage, with the following relation between them:
1 Volt (V) = 1000 millivolts (mV)
1 millivolt (mV) = 1/1000 Volt = 0.001 Volt (V)
Again, "milli (m)" is one of the official unit prefixes in the International System (SI) of Units and means one-thousandth (1/1000 = 1/103 = 10-3) - one millivolt is one-thousandth of an volt.
Thus, in order to convert the voltage given in millivolts into the voltage given in volts and vice versa, be sure to remember the following formulas:
Uvolts = Umillivolts / 1000
Umillivolts = Uvolts * 1000
Millivolts to Volts and Volts to Millivolts Conversion Examples
Using conversion formulas, it is fairly easy to convert millivolts to volts and volts to millivolts:
500 millivolts to volts:
U(V) = 500 millivolts / 1000 = 0.5 V
3.675 Volts to millivolts:
U(mV) = 3.675 Volts * 1000 = 3675 mV
Millivolts are very small amounts of potential difference measured with very accurate instruments - a typical electronic multimeter can accurately measure the voltage down to 1 mV, with some models offering even greater accuracy.
For example:
Lead-acid starting batteries feature very low internal resistance, down to, or even less than 0.01Ω. When such a battery is discharged with a certain current, a voltage drop appears across the battery terminals.
In order to calculate this voltage (potential difference) of such a battery when the battery is being discharged with 30 Amps, we use the following formula:
U(V) = I(A) * R(Ω) = 30A * 0.01Ω = 0.3 V = 300 mV
So, when converting millivolts to volts and volts to millivolts, just be sure to multiply and divide by 1000, and generally, that is all.
Millivolts to Volts and Volts to Millivolts Conversion Table
Here is the millivolts to Volts and Volts to millivolts quick conversion table to aid You with units' conversions:
Millivolts (mV)
Volts (V)
100 | 0.1 |
500 | 0.5 |
1000 | 1 |
5000 | 5 |
10000 | 10 |
50000 | 50 |
100000 | 100 |
200000 | 200 |
500000 | 500 |
1000000 | 1000 |
For more values, please, use the conversion calculators, or simply move the decimal point 3 positions to the left (millivolts to volts) or to the right (volts to millivolts).
Brief History of Volt
The concept of the volt, a unit of electric potential, voltage, and electromotive force, traces its origins to the pioneering work of Italian physicist Alessandro Volta.
In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Volta's investigations into electricity led to the development of the voltaic pile, the precursor to the modern electrical battery. This invention not only marked a significant advancement in the field of electrochemistry but also laid the foundational principles for the measurement of electrical potential.
The volt was officially defined during the International Electrical Congress held in Paris in 1881, amid the burgeoning industrial revolution that saw electricity becoming a central part of technological progress.
The unit was named in honor of Alessandro Volta to recognize his crucial contributions to electrical science. The definition of a volt was initially based on the electromotive force that would drive one ampere of current against one ohm of resistance.
Over the years, the measurement standards for the volt have evolved with advancements in technology. In 1990, the volt was redefined by the International System of Units (SI) through the Josephson constant, a quantum mechanical phenomenon discovered by Brian Josephson.
This modern definition utilizes the Josephson effect, where a precise frequency is applied to a superconductive junction, creating an accurate and reproducible voltage standard.
The volt remains a fundamental unit in the study and application of electricity, underlying everything from the simplest electrical devices in homes to complex systems powering our modern infrastructure.
Its history reflects not only the progress of electrical engineering but also the broader scientific endeavor to understand and harness the power of nature for the betterment of humanity.