How Many Days Until November 29th
Knowing how many days ahead we have until a specific date can be very important in many situations - find out how many days are left until November 29th.
November 29th: Day Overview and Fun Facts
- Day of the Year: November 29th is the 333rd day of the year in common years and the 334th in leap years.
- Days Remaining: There are 32 days left in the year after November 29th.
Fun Facts About November 29th
- The United Nations Approves the Partition of Palestine: On November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 181, recommending the partition of Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, leading to the eventual establishment of Israel in 1948.
- The First Army-Navy Football Game Played: On November 29, 1890, the first Army-Navy football game took place at West Point, New York, beginning one of the most famous rivalries in American college sports.
- The Start of the Zapatista Rebellion in Mexico: On November 29, 1910, Emiliano Zapata led his first major attack during the Mexican Revolution, fighting for land reform and peasants' rights.
- The Beatles Release Their Last Studio Album, Let It Be: On November 29, 1969, Let It Be was released, marking the final album recorded by The Beatles before their breakup.
- The Soviet Union’s First Atomic Bomb Test Confirmed: On November 29, 1949, the Soviet Union admitted for the first time that it had successfully tested an atomic bomb earlier that year, escalating Cold War tensions.
- The Deadliest Earthquake in Iran’s History: On November 29, 1945, an earthquake struck southern Iran, killing more than 4,000 people and causing widespread destruction.
- The First Commercial Oil Well in Alaska Begins Production: On November 29, 1957, the first commercial oil well in Alaska was completed, playing a key role in the state’s economic future.
- The Release of Pong: On November 29, 1972, Atari’s Pong was officially released, becoming one of the first commercially successful video games and helping establish the gaming industry.
- The Passing of George Harrison: On November 29, 2001, George Harrison, lead guitarist of The Beatles, passed away from cancer, leaving behind a lasting musical legacy.
Notable Birthdays:
- Christian Doppler (1803): Austrian physicist who discovered the Doppler effect, which explains how sound and light waves change with motion.
- Louisa May Alcott (1832): American author of Little Women, one of the most beloved novels in literature.
- C. S. Lewis (1898): British writer and philosopher, best known for The Chronicles of Narnia and his works on Christian theology.
Fun Observation
November 29th is a day of major historical decisions, scientific breakthroughs, and cultural milestones. From the UN’s decision on Palestine and the first Army-Navy football game to the legacy of Pong and The Beatles, this date represents pivotal moments that shaped the world in politics, science, and entertainment.
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