How Many Days Until November 28th
Knowing how many days ahead we have until a specific date can be very important in many situations - find out how many days are left until November 28th.
November 28th: Day Overview and Fun Facts
- Day of the Year: November 28th is the 332nd day of the year in common years and the 333rd in leap years.
- Days Remaining: There are 33 days left in the year after November 28th.
Fun Facts About November 28th
- Magellan Reaches the Pacific Ocean: On November 28, 1520, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan became the first European to sail into the Pacific Ocean, naming it “Mar Pacífico” (Peaceful Sea).
- The Independence of Albania: On November 28, 1912, Albania declared independence from the Ottoman Empire, establishing itself as a sovereign nation.
- Enrico Fermi Creates the First Nuclear Reactor: On November 28, 1942, physicist Enrico Fermi and his team initiated the first controlled nuclear chain reaction at the University of Chicago, paving the way for nuclear energy and the atomic bomb.
- The First Car to Exceed 400 mph: On November 28, 1965, Craig Breedlove set a land speed record of 407.45 mph in his jet-powered car, Spirit of America.
- The First Pulsar Discovered: On November 28, 1967, British astronomers Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Antony Hewish discovered the first pulsar, a rapidly rotating neutron star.
- The U.S. Recognizes Panama’s Independence: On November 28, 1903, the United States formally recognized Panama’s independence from Colombia, soon after supporting its separation.
- The Fire at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas: On November 28, 1980, a massive fire at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas killed 85 people, leading to significant improvements in fire safety regulations.
- The Launch of Star Trek: First Contact: On November 28, 1996, Star Trek: First Contact, one of the most critically acclaimed Star Trek films, premiered.
- The Official End of the Ottoman Empire: On November 28, 1922, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey abolished the Ottoman Sultanate, formally ending over 600 years of Ottoman rule.
Notable Birthdays:
- Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744): French biologist, early advocate of evolution before Darwin.
- Friedrich Engels (1820): German philosopher and co-author of The Communist Manifesto with Karl Marx.
- Anna Nicole Smith (1967): American model and actress, known for her work with Playboy.
Fun Observation
November 28th is a day of discovery, independence, and cultural impact. From Magellan’s historic Pacific crossing and Albania’s independence to nuclear advancements and the discovery of pulsars, this date reflects humanity’s continuous exploration and scientific progress.
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