How Many Days Until June 29th

Knowing how many days ahead we have until a specific date can be very important in many situations - find out how many days are left until June 29th.


June 29th: Day Overview and Fun Facts

  • Day of the Year: June 29th is the 180th day of the year in common years and the 181st in leap years.
  • Days Remaining: There are 185 days left in the year after June 29th.

Fun Facts About June 29th

  • iPhone First Released: On June 29, 2007, Apple released the first-generation iPhone, revolutionizing mobile technology and ushering in the era of smartphones.
  • The Globe Theatre Burns Down: On June 29, 1613, the original Globe Theatre in London, associated with William Shakespeare, was destroyed by fire during a performance of Henry VIII.
  • The Treaty of Tordesillas Ratified: On June 29, 1494, Spain and Portugal ratified the Treaty of Tordesillas, dividing the newly discovered lands outside Europe between the two nations along a meridian.
  • The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Agreement Signed: On June 29, 1972, the United States and the Soviet Union signed an agreement for the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, the first international space mission.
  • The Establishment of the Veterans Administration: On June 29, 1930, the Veterans Administration was established in the United States to provide care and benefits to military veterans.
  • The Atlantic Charter Signed: On June 29, 1941, the Atlantic Charter, a pivotal policy statement during World War II, was signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, outlining Allied goals for a post-war world.
  • The 1954 Atomic Energy Act Passed: On June 29, 1954, the U.S. Congress passed the Atomic Energy Act, which laid the groundwork for the civilian use of nuclear energy.
  • National Camera Day: Celebrated annually on June 29th, National Camera Day honors the invention of the camera and its impact on capturing memories and documenting history.
  • NASA Launches Skylab Mission: On June 29, 1973, the Skylab 2 crew safely returned to Earth after completing their mission aboard America’s first space station.

Notable Birthdays:

  • George Ellery Hale (1868): American astronomer who made significant contributions to the study of the Sun and was instrumental in building major observatories.
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900): French writer and aviator, best known for his novella The Little Prince.
  • Gary Busey (1944): American actor known for his roles in The Buddy Holly Story and Point Break.

Fun Observation

June 29th is a date that showcases humanity’s ingenuity, cultural richness, and resilience. From technological breakthroughs like the iPhone to pivotal moments in history and space exploration, it reflects our drive to innovate and explore.

Number of Days Until Calendar

To quickly find the number of days until a certain date, feel free to use the following calendar:


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Number of Days Until Calculator

To calculate days until a specific date, write the date in the "mm/dd/yyyy" format and click "Calculate Days."

The Result: