How Many Days Until June 10th

Knowing how many days ahead we have until a specific date can be very important in many situations - find out how many days are left until June 10th.


June 10th: Day Overview and Fun Facts

  • Day of the Year: June 10th is the 161st day of the year in common years and the 162nd in leap years.
  • Days Remaining: There are 204 days left in the year after June 10th.

Fun Facts About June 10th

  • Benjamin Franklin Flies a Kite: On June 10, 1752, Benjamin Franklin conducted his famous kite experiment during a thunderstorm, demonstrating the electrical nature of lightning and contributing to the development of modern electricity.
  • The Equal Pay Act Signed into Law: On June 10, 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act, prohibiting wage discrimination based on gender in the United States.
  • The First Modern Grand Prix: On June 10, 1906, the first modern Grand Prix motor race took place in Le Mans, France, organized by the Automobile Club de France.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous Founded: On June 10, 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was founded by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio. It has since helped millions of people worldwide recover from alcoholism.
  • The Fall of Louis XVI: On June 10, 1793, the French Revolutionary government effectively ended the monarchy of Louis XVI by starting the Reign of Terror, a radical phase of the French Revolution.
  • Apple’s First Retail Store: On June 10, 2001, Apple opened its first retail store in Glendale, California, marking a significant moment in the company’s expansion and customer outreach.
  • International Herald Tribune Published: On June 10, 1887, the first edition of the International Herald Tribune was published in Paris, becoming one of the most respected international newspapers.
  • The First Female U.S. Cabinet Member Sworn In: On June 10, 1933, Frances Perkins became the first woman to serve in the U.S. Cabinet as Secretary of Labor, advocating for workers' rights and Social Security.
  • The First Solar-Powered Airplane Flight: On June 10, 2010, Solar Impulse 1, a solar-powered aircraft, successfully completed its first 24-hour flight, showcasing the potential of renewable energy in aviation.

Notable Birthdays:

  • Judy Garland (1922): Iconic American actress and singer known for her role in The Wizard of Oz and her timeless rendition of Over the Rainbow.
  • Hattie McDaniel (1893): The first African-American actor to win an Academy Award for her role in Gone with the Wind.
  • Elizabeth Hurley (1965): British actress and model, known for roles in Austin Powers and her contributions to the fashion industry.

Fun Observation

June 10th is a day of discovery, innovation, and progress. From breakthroughs in science and technology to advancements in civil rights and entertainment, this date reflects humanity’s relentless pursuit of knowledge, equality, and creativity.

Number of Days Until Calendar

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Number of Days Until Calculator

To calculate days until a specific date, write the date in the "mm/dd/yyyy" format and click "Calculate Days."

The Result: