How Many Days Until July 19th
Knowing how many days ahead we have until a specific date can be very important in many situations - find out how many days are left until July 19th.
July 19th: Day Overview and Fun Facts
- Day of the Year: July 19th is the 200th day of the year in common years and the 201st in leap years.
- Days Remaining: There are 165 days left in the year after July 19th.
Fun Facts About July 19th
- The First Women’s Rights Convention Ends: On July 19, 1848, the Seneca Falls Convention, the first women’s rights convention in the U.S., concluded, advocating for women’s suffrage and equality.
- The Great Fire of Rome Continues: On July 19, 64 AD, the Great Fire of Rome was in its second day, with much of the city engulfed in flames. It is one of the most infamous fires in history.
- The First Open Championship (British Open) Held: On July 19, 1860, the first British Open golf tournament was held at Prestwick Golf Club in Scotland, making it one of the oldest golf tournaments in the world.
- Apollo 11 Enters Lunar Orbit: On July 19, 1969, Apollo 11 entered lunar orbit, setting the stage for humanity’s first moon landing just two days later.
- The Release of Monty Python’s Life of Brian: On July 19, 1979, Monty Python’s Life of Brian premiered, becoming one of the most famous satirical comedies in history.
- The Anglo-French Victory at the Battle of the Nile: On July 19, 1798, the British Royal Navy, led by Admiral Horatio Nelson, defeated the French fleet at the Battle of the Nile, securing British naval dominance.
- The First International Special Olympics Games Held: On July 19, 1968, the first International Special Olympics Games took place in Chicago, Illinois, celebrating the athletic abilities of individuals with intellectual disabilities.
- The Creation of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC): On July 19, 1934, the FCC was established in the United States to regulate interstate and international communications.
- The Death of Mary Queen of Scots’ Husband: On July 19, 1565, Lord Darnley, the second husband of Mary Queen of Scots, died under mysterious circumstances, fueling intrigue and speculation.
Notable Birthdays:
- Samuel Colt (1814): American inventor and industrialist, best known for developing the Colt revolver.
- Lizzie Borden (1860): American woman infamous for her alleged involvement in the 1892 axe murders of her father and stepmother.
- Benedict Cumberbatch (1976): British actor known for his roles in Sherlock and Doctor Strange.
Fun Observation
July 19th is a date steeped in historical events and cultural milestones. From Apollo 11’s journey to the moon to the establishment of pivotal organizations and historic battles, it reflects humanity’s quest for progress, equality, and achievement.
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