How Many Days Until July 13th
Knowing how many days ahead we have until a specific date can be very important in many situations - find out how many days are left until July 13th.
July 13th: Day Overview and Fun Facts
- Day of the Year: July 13th is the 194th day of the year in common years and the 195th in leap years.
- Days Remaining: There are 171 days left in the year after July 13th.
Fun Facts About July 13th
- The Hollywood Bowl Opens: On July 13, 1922, the Hollywood Bowl, an iconic outdoor amphitheater in Los Angeles, opened its doors with a performance by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra.
- The New York Draft Riots Begin: On July 13, 1863, the New York Draft Riots broke out in protest of the Union’s military draft during the Civil War, leading to widespread violence and destruction.
- Live Aid Concerts Held: On July 13, 1985, the Live Aid benefit concerts were held simultaneously in London and Philadelphia, raising funds for famine relief in Ethiopia and featuring performances by iconic artists like Queen, U2, and David Bowie.
- The Signing of the Northwest Ordinance: On July 13, 1787, the Northwest Ordinance was signed, establishing governance for the Northwest Territory and setting a precedent for the creation of future U.S. states.
- The Debut of Die Hard: On July 13, 1988, the action film Die Hard, starring Bruce Willis, premiered, becoming a classic of the genre.
- The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Established: On July 13, 1993, the UN formally established this tribunal to prosecute war crimes committed during the Yugoslav Wars.
- The Declaration of Martial Law in the Philippines: On July 13, 1898, Spanish authorities declared martial law in the Philippines in an attempt to suppress revolutionary activities.
- The First U.S. World’s Fair Held: On July 13, 1852, the first official U.S. World’s Fair, known as the American Institute Fair, opened in New York City, showcasing innovation and industrial progress.
- The Release of the Apollo 11 Mission Patch Design: On July 13, 1969, NASA unveiled the design of the Apollo 11 mission patch, days before the historic moon landing.
Notable Birthdays:
- Julius Caesar (100 BCE): Roman general and statesman who played a critical role in the rise of the Roman Empire.
- Patrick Stewart (1940): British actor best known for his roles as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek and Professor X in the X-Men series.
- Harrison Ford (1942): American actor celebrated for his roles in Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises.
Fun Observation
July 13th is a day that highlights moments of cultural significance, groundbreaking achievements, and historical milestones. From world-changing governance laws to iconic concerts like Live Aid and cinematic debuts, this day reflects humanity’s enduring creativity, resilience, and impact.
Number of Days Until Calendar
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