How Many Days Until December 4th
Knowing how many days ahead we have until a specific date can be very important in many situations - find out how many days are left until December 4th.
December 4th: Day Overview and Fun Facts
- Day of the Year: December 4th is the 338th day of the year in common years and the 339th in leap years.
- Days Remaining: There are 27 days left in the year after December 4th.
Fun Facts About December 4th
- The First President to Be Elected Unanimously: On December 4, 1783, George Washington bid farewell to his officers in New York City after leading the American colonies to victory in the Revolutionary War, cementing his legacy as the first U.S. president.
- The Discovery of the Asteroid Pallas: On December 4, 1802, German astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers discovered Pallas, one of the largest asteroids in the asteroid belt.
- The Completion of the Washington Monument: On December 4, 1884, the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C., was completed after decades of construction delays, standing as a tribute to America’s first president.
- The Start of the Montgomery Bus Boycott: On December 4, 1955, the Montgomery Bus Boycott officially began following Rosa Parks’ arrest, marking a major milestone in the Civil Rights Movement.
- The First Human Eye Transplant Attempt: On December 4, 1969, the first attempt at a human eye transplant took place in Houston, Texas, though the procedure was ultimately unsuccessful.
- The World’s First Burger King Opens: On December 4, 1954, the first-ever Burger King restaurant opened in Miami, Florida, growing into one of the largest fast-food chains in the world.
- NASA’s Pioneer 10 Sends Back Images of Jupiter: On December 4, 1973, NASA’s Pioneer 10 spacecraft sent back the first close-up images of Jupiter, significantly advancing our understanding of the gas giant.
- The Dissolution of the Soviet Union Begins: On December 4, 1991, the Soviet Union began its formal dissolution, as President Mikhail Gorbachev lost power and the Cold War neared its end.
- The Premiere of Gone with the Wind: On December 4, 1939, the classic film Gone with the Wind premiered in Atlanta, Georgia, becoming one of the most famous films in Hollywood history.
Notable Birthdays:
- Crazy Horse (1840): Lakota leader and warrior, known for his role in the Battle of Little Bighorn.
- Jeff Bridges (1949): American actor, known for The Big Lebowski, True Grit, and Crazy Heart.
- Tyra Banks (1973): Supermodel and television personality, known for America’s Next Top Model.
Fun Observation
December 4th is a day of political milestones, scientific achievements, and cultural moments. From the start of the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the completion of the Washington Monument to NASA’s discoveries and the premiere of Gone with the Wind, this date highlights history’s turning points and human ambition.
Number of Days Until Calendar
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