How Many Days Until December 3rd
Knowing how many days ahead we have until a specific date can be very important in many situations - find out how many days are left until December 3rd.
December 3rd: Day Overview and Fun Facts
- Day of the Year: December 3rd is the 337th day of the year in common years and the 338th in leap years.
- Days Remaining: There are 28 days left in the year after December 3rd.
Fun Facts About December 3rd
- The First Text Message Sent: On December 3, 1992, the first-ever SMS text message was sent by British engineer Neil Papworth. The message simply read, Merry Christmas.
- First Successful Human Heart Transplant in the World: On December 3, 1967, Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the world’s first successful human-to-human heart transplant in South Africa, paving the way for modern cardiac surgery.
- Illinois Becomes a State: On December 3, 1818, Illinois was admitted as the 21st state of the United States.
- The First U.S. Patent for a Neon Sign: On December 3, 1910, French scientist Georges Claude received a patent for the first neon sign, changing the way cities and businesses advertise.
- The First Human Spaceflight by NASA’s Apollo Program: On December 3, 1965, NASA launched Gemini 7, a mission that tested the effects of long-duration spaceflight and paved the way for Apollo missions.
- The Premiere of A Streetcar Named Desire: On December 3, 1947, Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire premiered on Broadway, becoming one of the most famous plays in American theater.
- The Discovery of the Dwarf Planet Makemake: On December 3, 2004, astronomers observed Makemake, one of the largest known dwarf planets in our solar system.
- The Bhopal Gas Tragedy: On December 3, 1984, a toxic gas leak at a Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, led to one of the world’s worst industrial disasters, killing thousands.
- The First Public Demonstration of a Laser: On December 3, 1960, Theodore Maiman demonstrated the first working laser, an invention that would later revolutionize science and technology.
Notable Birthdays:
- Cleveland Abbe (1838): American meteorologist who played a key role in establishing the National Weather Service.
- Joseph Conrad (1857): Polish-British writer, known for Heart of Darkness.
- Julianne Moore (1960): American actress, known for Still Alice, The Hours, and Boogie Nights.
Fun Observation
December 3rd is a day of remarkable firsts, from the first text message and human heart transplant to major discoveries in space and science. It is a day that showcases humanity’s continuous push for innovation and progress, as well as moments that changed history forever.
Number of Days Until Calendar
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