How Many Days Until December 27th
Knowing how many days ahead we have until a specific date can be very important in many situations - find out how many days are left until December 27th.
December 27th: Day Overview and Fun Facts
- Day of the Year: December 27th is the 361st day of the year in common years and the 362nd in leap years.
- Days Remaining: There are 4 days left in the year after December 27th.
Fun Facts About December 27th
- The World’s First Public Radio Broadcast: On December 27, 1906, Reginald Fessenden made the first public radio broadcast, transmitting music and speech over the airwaves for the first time in history.
- The Constitution of Japan is Approved: On December 27, 1945, the U.S. approved Japan’s post-war constitution, laying the foundation for modern democratic governance in the country.
- The First Emmy Awards Are Announced: On December 27, 1949, the first-ever Emmy Awards were presented in Los Angeles, honoring excellence in television broadcasting.
- The Soviet Union Invades Afghanistan: On December 27, 1979, the Soviet Union launched a full-scale invasion of Afghanistan, leading to a decade-long war that greatly influenced global politics and the Cold War.
- The Flushing Remonstrance is Signed: On December 27, 1657, Dutch settlers in New Amsterdam (now New York City) signed the Flushing Remonstrance, an early petition for religious freedom, influencing later U.S. laws on tolerance and civil rights.
- The First COVID-19 Vaccinations Begin in the EU: On December 27, 2020, European Union nations began their COVID-19 vaccination programs, marking a major milestone in the fight against the global pandemic.
- The U.S. Congress Recognizes Christmas as a Federal Holiday: On December 27, 1870, Christmas was officially declared a federal holiday in the United States.
- The Completion of the Hagia Sophia’s Dome Restoration: On December 27, 537, the iconic Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (now Istanbul) was officially completed and dedicated as a cathedral. It remains one of the most significant architectural landmarks in the world.
- The Discovery of the Largest Known Prime Number (as of 2018): On December 27, 2018, mathematicians discovered the largest known prime number, containing over 24 million digits, setting a new record in mathematical history.
Notable Birthdays:
- Johannes Kepler (1571): German astronomer who formulated the laws of planetary motion, laying the groundwork for modern astronomy.
- Louis Pasteur (1822): French chemist and microbiologist, known for developing pasteurization and vaccines.
- Marlene Dietrich (1901): German-American actress and singer, famous for her roles in The Blue Angel and Shanghai Express.
Fun Observation
December 27th is a day of scientific achievements, political events, and cultural milestones. From Kepler’s astronomical discoveries and Pasteur’s contributions to medicine to the first radio broadcast and the beginning of TV’s Emmy Awards, this date showcases how human innovation and historical change continue to shape our world.
Number of Days Until Calendar
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