How Many Days Until December 22nd
Knowing how many days ahead we have until a specific date can be very important in many situations - find out how many days are left until December 22nd.
December 22nd: Day Overview and Fun Facts
- Day of the Year: December 22nd is the 356th day of the year in common years and the 357th in leap years.
- Days Remaining: There are 9 days left in the year after December 22nd.
Fun Facts About December 22nd
- The Shortest Day of the Year in Some Years: Depending on the Winter Solstice's timing, December 22nd is sometimes the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, while the Southern Hemisphere experiences its longest day.
- The First Gorilla Born in Captivity: On December 22, 1956, Colo, the world’s first gorilla born in captivity, was born at the Columbus Zoo in Ohio, revolutionizing zoo breeding programs.
- The First U.S. Continental Currency is Issued: On December 22, 1775, the Continental Congress issued the first paper currency in the United States to help finance the American Revolution.
- The Creation of the Lincoln Tunnel: On December 22, 1937, the Lincoln Tunnel, connecting New York City and New Jersey, opened to traffic, becoming a major transit route under the Hudson River.
- Beethoven Premieres His Fifth Symphony: On December 22, 1808, Ludwig van Beethoven premiered his Fifth Symphony, one of the most famous musical compositions of all time.
- The Release of It’s a Wonderful Life: On December 22, 1946, the classic holiday film It’s a Wonderful Life premiered in New York City, becoming one of the most beloved Christmas movies ever made.
- The Berlin Wall Opens for Free Travel: On December 22, 1989, for the first time since its construction, the Berlin Wall was fully opened, allowing unrestricted travel between East and West Berlin.
- The First Christmas Tree on the White House Lawn: On December 22, 1923, President Calvin Coolidge lit the first National Christmas Tree on the White House Lawn, starting a tradition still celebrated today.
- The Launch of Soyuz 13: On December 22, 1973, the Soyuz 13 spacecraft was launched by the Soviet Union, carrying out advanced space observations.
Notable Birthdays:
- Jean Racine (1639): French playwright, known for tragedies like Phèdre.
- Giacomo Puccini (1858): Italian composer, known for operas like La Bohème and Tosca.
- Diane Sawyer (1945): American journalist and television anchor.
Fun Observation
December 22nd is a day of historic firsts and major cultural moments, from the first captive gorilla birth and Berlin Wall opening to the premiere of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and the first White House Christmas Tree lighting. It also marks scientific advancements in space exploration and engineering feats like the Lincoln Tunnel, showing humanity’s drive for progress and tradition.
Number of Days Until Calendar
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