How Many Days Until December 21st
Knowing how many days ahead we have until a specific date can be very important in many situations - find out how many days are left until December 21st.
December 21st: Day Overview and Fun Facts
- Day of the Year: December 21st is the 355th day of the year in common years and the 356th in leap years.
- Days Remaining: There are 10 days left in the year after December 21st.
Fun Facts About December 21st
- Winter Solstice (Shortest Day of the Year): December 21st usually marks the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the shortest day and longest night of the year, while in the Southern Hemisphere, it is the Summer Solstice (longest day of the year).
- First Crossword Puzzle Published: On December 21, 1913, the first modern crossword puzzle was published in the New York World newspaper, created by journalist Arthur Wynne.
- Apollo 8 Launches Toward the Moon: On December 21, 1968, Apollo 8 became the first crewed spacecraft to orbit the Moon, paving the way for the first lunar landing in 1969.
- The Discovery of the First Asteroid with a Moon: On December 21, 1993, astronomers discovered that the asteroid Ida had a small moon, Dactyl, making it the first asteroid known to have a natural satellite.
- The Mayan Calendar "Doomsday" Prediction: December 21, 2012, was the date associated with the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar, which some people interpreted as a prophecy for the end of the world, though nothing unusual happened.
- The Premiere of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: On December 21, 1937, Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs premiered, becoming the first full-length animated feature film and launching the era of Disney animated classics.
- Pan Am Flight 103 Disaster: On December 21, 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people in one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in aviation history.
- The First Powered Flight in France: On December 21, 1907, French aviator Gabriel Voisin successfully conducted the first powered flight in France, marking an early milestone in aviation.
- The Discovery of Radium by Marie and Pierre Curie: On December 21, 1898, Marie and Pierre Curie announced the discovery of radium, a key breakthrough in the study of radioactivity, leading to advancements in nuclear physics and medicine.
Notable Birthdays:
- Joseph Stalin (1879): Soviet leader who ruled from the 1920s until 1953.
- Florence Griffith Joyner (1959): American Olympic sprinter, known as the fastest woman of all time.
- Samuel L. Jackson (1948): American actor, known for Pulp Fiction, The Avengers, and Django Unchained.
Note about Joseph Stalin's birthday:
The confusion arises because Joseph Stalin's official birthdate is December 18, 1878, but some older Soviet records and sources have listed December 21, 1879, as his birthdate.
Why the Discrepancy?
- Stalin himself used December 21, 1879, later in life, and it was the date officially recognized in the Soviet Union during his rule.
- Historical records, including church documents from Gori, Georgia, confirm that he was actually born on December 18, 1878.
So, while December 18, 1878, is historically accurate, December 21, 1879, was used in official Soviet documents.
Fun Observation
December 21st is a day filled with scientific breakthroughs, historical events, and cultural milestones. From the Winter Solstice, the discovery of radium, and Apollo 8’s journey to the Moon to the release of Disney’s first animated feature film, this date reflects human exploration, discovery, and creativity.
Number of Days Until Calendar
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