How Many Days Until December 14th
Knowing how many days ahead we have until a specific date can be very important in many situations - find out how many days are left until December 14th.
December 14th: Day Overview and Fun Facts
- Day of the Year: December 14th is the 348th day of the year in common years and the 349th in leap years.
- Days Remaining: There are 17 days left in the year after December 14th.
Fun Facts About December 14th
- Roald Amundsen Becomes the First to Reach the South Pole: On December 14, 1911, Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen and his team became the first humans to reach the South Pole, beating British explorer Robert Falcon Scott by over a month.
- George Washington Dies: On December 14, 1799, George Washington, the first President of the United States, passed away at his Mount Vernon home at the age of 67.
- The Discovery of X-Rays is Announced: On December 14, 1895, German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen presented his discovery of X-rays, revolutionizing medical diagnostics.
- The Soviet Union Lands a Spacecraft on Venus: On December 14, 1972, Venera 7 became the first spacecraft to successfully land on Venus and transmit data back to Earth.
- The First Miniature Golf Course Opens: On December 14, 1929, the first miniature golf course opened in Tennessee, bringing the game into mainstream entertainment.
- Alabama Becomes the 22nd U.S. State: On December 14, 1819, Alabama was admitted as the 22nd state of the United States.
- The Introduction of the Nobel Peace Prize: On December 14, 1901, the first-ever Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Henry Dunant (founder of the Red Cross) and Frédéric Passy.
- The End of the Mariner 4 Mission to Mars: On December 14, 1967, NASA’s Mariner 4 spacecraft completed its mission, providing the first close-up images of Mars.
- The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting: On December 14, 2012, a tragic mass shooting occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, leading to increased discussions on gun control in the U.S.
Notable Birthdays:
- Tycho Brahe (1546): Danish astronomer who made detailed observations of planetary motion.
- Nostradamus (1503): French astrologer and writer, known for his cryptic prophecies.
- Spike Jones (1911): American musician and comedian, famous for satirical music.
Fun Observation
December 14th is a day of major achievements and historic moments. From Roald Amundsen's South Pole expedition and the discovery of X-rays to the first Venus landing and the founding of Alabama, this date showcases human exploration, scientific progress, and important turning points in world history.
Number of Days Until Calendar
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