How Many Days Until August 29th

Knowing how many days ahead we have until a specific date can be very important in many situations - find out how many days are left until August 29th.


August 29th: Day Overview and Fun Facts

  • Day of the Year: August 29th is the 241st day of the year in common years and the 242nd in leap years.
  • Days Remaining: There are 124 days left in the year after August 29th.

Fun Facts About August 29th

  • Hurricane Katrina Makes Landfall: On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the United States, devastating New Orleans and surrounding areas, and becoming one of the deadliest hurricanes in U.S. history.
  • The Last Execution in the Tower of London: On August 29, 1941, German spy Josef Jakobs was executed by firing squad, marking the last recorded execution at the historic Tower of London.
  • The Founding of Netflix: On August 29, 1997, Netflix was founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph, initially as a DVD rental service, later transforming into the global streaming giant it is today.
  • The Beheading of John the Baptist: August 29th is observed in Christian tradition as the day John the Baptist was executed by Herod Antipas.
  • The Soviet Union Tests Its First Atomic Bomb: On August 29, 1949, the Soviet Union conducted its first successful atomic bomb test, marking the start of the nuclear arms race during the Cold War.
  • The Establishment of Chop Suey Day: August 29th is unofficially celebrated as Chop Suey Day, honoring the popular Chinese-American dish that became a staple in the United States.
  • The Release of The Beatles’ Hey Jude: On August 29, 1968, The Beatles released their iconic single Hey Jude, which became one of the best-selling songs of all time.
  • The End of the Siege of Syracuse: On August 29, 212 BCE, the Roman Republic successfully captured Syracuse, marking a significant moment in the Second Punic War.
  • The First Radio Broadcast of a Baseball Game: On August 29, 1921, the first live radio broadcast of a baseball game took place, featuring a game between the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Philadelphia Phillies.

Notable Birthdays:

  • John Locke (1632): English philosopher and "Father of Liberalism," whose ideas influenced modern political thought.
  • Ingrid Bergman (1915): Swedish actress and three-time Academy Award winner, known for her roles in Casablanca and Notorious.
  • Michael Jackson (1958): American pop icon and "King of Pop," celebrated for hits like Thriller and Billie Jean.

Fun Observation

August 29th is a day of profound historical events and cultural milestones. From the devastation of Hurricane Katrina to the rise of Netflix and the brilliance of Michael Jackson, this date reflects humanity’s creativity, resilience, and moments of both triumph and tragedy.

Number of Days Until Calendar

To quickly find the number of days until a certain date, feel free to use the following calendar:


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Number of Days Until Calculator

To calculate days until a specific date, write the date in the "mm/dd/yyyy" format and click "Calculate Days."

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