How Many Days Until August 25th
Knowing how many days ahead we have until a specific date can be very important in many situations - find out how many days are left until August 25th.
August 25th: Day Overview and Fun Facts
- Day of the Year: August 25th is the 237th day of the year in common years and the 238th in leap years.
- Days Remaining: There are 128 days left in the year after August 25th.
Fun Facts About August 25th
- The National Park Service Established: On August 25, 1916, the National Park Service (NPS) was officially established in the United States to protect and manage national parks and monuments.
- The Founding of Paris: On August 25, 1944, Paris was liberated by Allied forces during World War II, ending four years of Nazi occupation.
- The Opening of the First Asylum in the U.S.: On August 25, 1776, the first public psychiatric hospital in the United States was opened in Williamsburg, Virginia, known as Eastern State Hospital.
- The First Transatlantic Cable Completed: On August 25, 1866, the first successful transatlantic telegraph cable was completed, revolutionizing communication between Europe and North America.
- The New York Times Publishes its First Issue: On August 25, 1851, The New York Times published its first issue, eventually becoming one of the world’s most influential newspapers.
- The First Solo Flight Across the Pacific: On August 25, 1930, Australian aviator Charles Kingsford Smith completed the first solo flight across the Pacific Ocean, marking a milestone in aviation history.
- The Discovery of Neptune’s Largest Moon, Triton: On August 25, 1846, British astronomer William Lassell discovered Triton, Neptune's largest moon.
- The Release of Windows 95: On August 25, 1995, Microsoft released Windows 95, a groundbreaking operating system that introduced features like the Start menu and taskbar.
- Hurricane Katrina Forms: On August 25, 2005, Hurricane Katrina formed over the Bahamas before becoming one of the most devastating hurricanes in U.S. history.
Notable Birthdays:
- Sean Connery (1930): Scottish actor and the first to portray James Bond in films.
- Leonard Bernstein (1918): American conductor, composer, and pianist, known for works like West Side Story.
- Claudia Schiffer (1970): German supermodel and actress, one of the most famous models of the 1990s.
Fun Observation
August 25th is a day of liberation, innovation, and discovery. From the founding of the National Park Service to technological advancements like Windows 95, this date highlights humanity’s ability to explore, protect, and innovate.
Number of Days Until Calendar
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