How Many Days Until August 19th

Knowing how many days ahead we have until a specific date can be very important in many situations - find out how many days are left until August 19th.


August 19th: Day Overview and Fun Facts

  • Day of the Year: August 19th is the 231st day of the year in common years and the 232nd in leap years.
  • Days Remaining: There are 134 days left in the year after August 19th.

Fun Facts About August 19th

  • World Humanitarian Day: August 19th is observed annually as World Humanitarian Day to honor humanitarian workers who risk their lives in service and to promote global humanitarian efforts.
  • The First Flight of Orville and Wilbur Wright: On August 19, 1871, Orville Wright, one of the pioneers of aviation, was born. The day is also celebrated as National Aviation Day in the United States.
  • The Liberation of Paris Begins: On August 19, 1944, the French Resistance started the uprising to liberate Paris from Nazi occupation during World War II.
  • The First U.S. Patent Granted to Thomas Edison: On August 19, 1873, Thomas Edison received his first patent for an electric vote recorder.
  • The Launch of the Voyager 2 Spacecraft: On August 19, 1977, NASA’s Voyager 2 was launched to explore the outer planets, contributing to some of the most detailed data about our solar system.
  • The First Ascent of the Matterhorn from the Italian Side: On August 19, 1865, the Matterhorn was climbed successfully from the Italian side for the first time, achieving a historic mountaineering feat.
  • The Invention of Photography Announced: On August 19, 1839, the French government announced the invention of photography, developed by Louis Daguerre and Nicéphore Niépce, as a gift to the world.
  • The First Motorcycle Race: On August 19, 1903, the first officially recorded motorcycle race took place in Britain, marking a milestone in motorsports.
  • The End of the Greek-Turkish War: On August 19, 1922, the Greek-Turkish War came to an end with significant geopolitical consequences for both nations.

Notable Birthdays:

  • Coco Chanel (1883): French fashion designer and founder of the iconic Chanel brand.
  • Bill Clinton (1946): 42nd President of the United States, serving from 1993 to 2001.
  • Gene Roddenberry (1921): American television screenwriter and creator of Star Trek.

Fun Observation

August 19th is a day that commemorates milestones in innovation, liberation, and creativity. From celebrating the pioneers of aviation and photography to honoring humanitarian efforts worldwide, this date reflects humanity’s capacity for progress, resilience, and compassion.

Number of Days Until Calendar

To quickly find the number of days until a certain date, feel free to use the following calendar:


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Number of Days Until Calculator

To calculate days until a specific date, write the date in the "mm/dd/yyyy" format and click "Calculate Days."

The Result: